BI has viewed a promotion offer sent to the long-serving remote worker around the same time as the RTO mandate was announced. She said many of her colleagues would find it very challenging to get to the office three days a week. The software company Oracle is one firm looking for ways to ease the commute of its employees. It’s opening a $1.2 billion riverfront campus in Nashville, which could be completed by 2026, and pledged $175 million for city infrastructure improvements.

To counter that risk, leaders should map and monitor the informal networks in their organization with semiannual refreshes of social-network maps. Approaches include identifying the functions or activities where connectivity seems most relevant and then mapping relationships within those priority areas—and then tracking the changes in those relationships over time. Options for obtaining the necessary information include tracking email, observing employees, using existing data (such as time cards and project charge codes), and administering short (five- to 20-minute) questionnaires. It is likely that leaders will need to intervene and create connections between groups that do not naturally interact or that now interact less frequently as a result of the hybrid virtual model. Or consider how quickly two cultures emerged recently in one of the business units of a company we know. Within this business unit, one smaller group was widely distributed in Cape Town, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Paris, and other big cities.

The Benefits of Working From Home (Working Remotely)

Numerous surveys have indicated that substantial percentages of companies (up to 46%) are planning to allow permanent remote work, with 88% of employers globally advising their workforce to work from home at the outset of the pandemic. This demonstrates an ongoing trend toward company adoption of remote work as a staple of contemporary business operations. The concept of remote work transitioned from a growing trend to what many now consider the new normal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the recent health crisis, 75% of the American workforce had not experienced remote working.

how remote work can benefit employees and companies

But, as businesses continue to adapt to these changes and overcome the potential obstacles, the long-term benefits of embracing the new normal of remote work are undeniable for employers and employees alike. And with greater flexibility, employees can shape their schedule around personal responsibilities and commitments, helping them achieve better work-life balance. This increased control over their time often leads to fewer instances of unscheduled absenteeism due to personal reasons. In addition to personal health and well-being, coworker and manager relationships can be more positive without the distractions and politics that come along with an in-office job. A reported 72% of employers say remote work has a high impact on employee retention—plainly put, employees are sticking with their employer when they have remote work options. It also gives workers the flexibility to get to doctor’s and other healthcare appointments when needed.

Remote Work Policies Are Good For (Your) Business

Employers can quash uncertainty with clear structures and expectations within remote or hybrid environments. This structure can take shape with clearly defined roles and responsibilities among team members, transparent communication and easy-to-use communication channels, setting the framework for day-to-day operations. There is no question the rise of remote work has transformed the traditional landscape of employment, and it is not disappearing anytime soon. how companies benefit when employees work remotely A July 2023 survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta found that 11.2% of executives expect their organizations to be fully remote by 2028. While there are myriad advantages such as increased flexibility and the ability to choose from talent across the country and globe, there are obstacles that come with this shift. With nine months of experience under their belts, more employers are seeing somewhat better productivity from their remote workers.